Bald fat gay men

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He admitted being wrong and recognized that my relationship with David was real.

It wasn’t until the day before he died he called me in and apologized. My father thought all homosexuals were ill. I had been led to believe I would end up in jail or a child molester or worse… if there is anything worse. It was life changing for me, it was so difficult and I went into a long depression. When I got to be about 16, I realized I was gay. I did not understand I was gay, that I didn’t know the meaning of the true word. I did not really have any issues in school. My mother said, “He is one of those homosexuals.” I then thought that is what all gay people are….fat, bald child molesters. I remember being at my grandmother’s house and hearing a story about a fat, bald man in a schoolyard who was a child molester. I had no one to turn to.Īs a family, we didn’t know any gay people. Gay characters in the movies had small parts and they were not taken seriously.

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People knew Liberace was different and he was called a fairy. I grew up knowing I was different, but didn’t know why. What they don’t have a real role models in the media that they can relate to. “Even though we have come so far in terms of gay rights looking back, some of the struggles I had are the same for some kids today.

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